A7 version running in Bottles? (Linux)


Anyone able to get it running in bottles? know what dependencies are needed? I assumed some kind of C++ library or something?


besides the standard windows dependencies you’ll definitely want to have the visual c++ redistributable (2017, x64) and opengl libraries. it shouldn’t need much else. but honestly, i have no clue of bottles!


I had OsciStudio A6 running in Ubuntu Studio for awhile. It didn’t take much tweaking. This was under Jammy Jellyfish with KxStudio installed. I did need to install WINEASIO. Then something updated and it all broke and I just have not had the time to figure it out.

It was pretty great while it lasted. I used Ardour for all the automation and Carla let me patch whatever I wanted between them. I’m back on an x86 Mac now, but I’d go back to Linux in a heartbeat if the next OsciStudio release could be demonstrated on it.