How long does it take to receive OsciStudio?


I paid for OsciStudio 3 days ago (March 27th) and haven’t received any mail about the download code. I wrote an email to the address you are supposed to write to but haven’t gotten any answer.


have you check your spam folder?
I receive my code instantaneously



sorry, did you get your code by now?


Hi, I think I have the same problem I did not recieve the download code - maybe I should not have used a smartphone to buy OsciStudio. Can you please send the code on my email? I sent the email today,

Thanks in advance


psa: the code is sent to your paypal email address. it’s not a problem if that email is not reachable anymore, but it might take a few days to figure things out.

new version of the website is going online quite soon, which won’t be impacted by this issue as much anymore (you’ll be able to download and also change your email right after payment).