Osci Studio crashes after Audio Dialog (Windows)


Hey there,

I just bought Osci Studio and tried to start it on my Notebook - first the A6 pre3 Version, then the A5.5 Version.
Both are crashing after the audio-selection-dialogue.
I unzipped the Program into C:/Program Files/
The Visual Studio components were already present.
I tried to run it in compatibility-mode - no results with the suggested “Windows 8” compatibility.
Does anyone know, what to do?

Thank you very much in advance!

OsciStudio Version: A5.5 / A6
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro build 19043
CPU: Intel Core i7-9700 CPU @ 3.00 GHz, 8 Core
Audio Interface: RME Fireface UC


Okay, nevermind - one should not put it into the program files folder… It worked when I extracted it to the desktop.