OsciStudio A7 released


So here it finally is… an update to oscistudio.

It should address the two largest issues:

  • Screen flickering with some integrated graphics cards on windows
  • Livecoding not working on Apple silicon (m1 and m2)

To install the new blender plugin:

  1. Open oscistudio and click start
  2. Click the help icon ? in the top bar of oscistudio and select blender to find the new plugin and install instructions

On top of that there are some other changes. not everything is fully done, but i really felt the two issues above needed to be addressed :slight_smile:

  • Updates to the timeline system
  • Undo/redo in the timelines and when moving plugins around
  • Support for wicked laser devices and dongles connected via usb
  • Improved svg import
  • Bounce (ctrl+b/cmd+b) with arbitary sample rates

Thanks to everyone who tested. If you come across any problems that didn’t exist in A6 please report them here.

You can download the new version, or any old version, by entering your code again here: https://oscilloscopemusic.com/download/

Livecoding not working on Intel Mac with Big Sur
When do the updates come?
Flickering Interface
Unable to find missing library


amazing , thanks for this update, Downloading


this update is amazing! not being able to undo stuff was one of my biggest gripes with the program.

and i like how setting the min and max of a timeline clip is easier now!

thank you for finally updating it :>


So… I bought OsciStudio several years ago, and definitely don’t have my original code anywhere, could I somehow get another one? Happy to prove that I do in fact own the old version by sending a screenschot or by some other method.


Hello, I download A7 win64, installation went good . When I launch the app, it crashes without seeing the black osci start screen. I tried to restart computer, repair and reinstall install again. No changes to the problem. Should I remove the old version ? The A6 is still working.

OsciStudio crash on laucnch

do you have anything listed in the windows event logs?

maybe resetting the settings helps. you can do so my navigating to %APPDATA%\OsciStudio and deleting settings.txt


There is no settings file and the following errors on event log :
Valeur de l’erreur :Application Error 00000000
Type du disque : 0Chemin d’accès de l’application défaillante : C:\Users\Nicolas\3D Objects\OsciStudio\app\OsciStudio.exe
Chemin d’accès du module défaillant: C:\Users\Nicolas\3D Objects\OsciStudio\app\OsciStudio.exe
ID de rapport : 96476b1e-ba92-411e-922b-7423e4ee5d61
Nom du journal :Application
Source : Application Error
Date : 19/05/2023 17:01:05
ID de l’événement :1005
Catégorie de la tâche :(100)
Niveau : Erreur
Mots clés : Classique
Utilisateur : N/A
Ordinateur : PC_Materiel_net
Description :
Windows ne peut pas accéder au fichier pour une des raisons suivantes : un problème s’est produit avec la connexion réseau, le disque sur lequel le fichier est enregistré, ou les pilotes de stockage installés sur cet ordinateur, ou le disque est manquant. Windows a fermé le programme OsciStudio en raison de cette erreur.

Programme : OsciStudio
Fichier :

La valeur de l’erreur est affichée dans la section Données supplémentaires.
Action utilisateur

  1. Ouvrez à nouveau le fichier. Cette situation peut résulter d’un problème temporaire qui se corrigera de lui-même à la prochaine exécution du programme.
  2. Si le fichier est toujours inaccessible et
    • Il se trouve sur le réseau : votre administrateur réseau devrait vérifier qu’il n’y a aucun problème avec le réseau et que le serveur peut être contacté.
    • Il se trouve sur un disque amovible, par exemple une disquette ou un CD-ROM : vérifiez que le disque est inséré correctement dans l’ordinateur.
  3. Vérifiez et réparez le système de fichiers en exécutant CHKDSK. Pour exécuter CHKDSK, cliquez sur Démarrer, Exécuter, entrez CMD puis cliquez sur OK. À l’invite de commandes, entrez CHKDSK /F et appuyez sur Entrée.
  4. Si le problème persiste, restaurez le fichier à partir d’une copie de sauvegarde.
  5. Déterminez si d’autres fichiers du même disque peuvent être ouverts. Si ce n’est pas le cas, le disque est peut-être endommagé. S’il s’agit d’un disque dur, contactez votre administrateur ou le distributeur de votre ordinateur pour obtenir une assistance supplémentaire.

Données supplémentaires
Valeur de l’erreur : 00000000
Type du disque : 0
XML de l’événement :





I try to move it to an other disk and I have the same problem.


Excited to see the project is still being developed! Excellent work, but I noticed the ASIO button is gone. Have we lost native support for ASIO and JACK?

EDIT: I’ve noticed a new problem when I attempt to map midi controls by pressing the “m” key. I can map CC midi commands to the various sliders without problem, but when I try to use the same technique to map midi switches (buttons) to binary elements of OsciStudio A7 (things like Cue animations or enabling channels) the element I want to map to doesn’t start flashing to indicate it can be mapped to. This technique for mapping MIDI commands in A6 worked fine, so this is definitely new.



sorry, i forgot to respond here.

yes, asio and jack are gone. were you using them? tbh, i have never seen a working jack install anywhere, and asio is a bit outdated because windows audio is also very low latency since quite a while now.

about the midi mapping: ouch, yes, seems i introduced a new bug. i will look into it soon!


Oh yes! When I was choosing a DAW, I was unhappy with the Live! interface and didn’t want to spend the money to get what I needed in the full version of Live! (unlimited tracks). My :pirate_flag: days are behind me. Bitwig 8-Track seemed like a usable alternative, then I discovered that Bitwig has a hard time getting along with anything else that needs access to the MIDI bus.

Enter Ardour and Ubuntu-Studio. I run OsciStudio A6 through WINE (WINEASIO required for it to work) and I have a working instance of OsciStudio in my Carla interface that I can virtually connect to anything.

I was able to get great performance out of the Windows installation in terms of latency, but I really wanted to be able to integrate other programs and interfaces (PurrData, Blender, Ladish). The experience of trying to get Windows to do what I wanted left me confounded and I finally just bit the bullet and decided to become comfortable with Linux.

As for A7, I have not succeeded in any Linux installation of any kind yet. Running a program within WINE become more complicated when a program needs to be “installed.”!

EDIT: For edification, here’s a screencap of my OsciStudio settings.



I’ve found and fixed the bug when trying to midi-map buttons. Will be part of the next release!


Hi there, first time here. lmk if i should start a new thread.
I see that you have support for the Helios DAC nowadays. Awesome! Ive been waiting a couple of years now for this :)))
Unfortunately I use Ubuntu… I was wondering if anyone has had any success running the new version (A7?) through WINE yet? I see the simulator runs smoothly but i’m guessing the full application has a far more involved installation process


are you in a rush?

oscistudio does in principle work on linux. i haven’t tested it much, but it is very cross platform at it’s core. i can try to release a proper linux version with the next update (probably 3-6 months from now). i say try, because there are a few extremely platform dependent things and they might turn out to be too much work, so i can only promise that i can try, not that i’ll succeed :slight_smile:


i totally understand, supporting a plethora of linux distros is much harder to maintain then windows or macos. ill figure it out, and put steps for Ubuntu 20.04 up once ive got it running :crossed_fingers:

thanks for being such a dude, this project is epic


Update: I’ve managed to connect the Helios DAC to Oscistudio A7 on Ubuntu 20.04 (via WINE wrappers) by creating a WINE registry entry connecting a COM port to a real USB port. NIce.

Unfortunately I still cant get any sound output from A7, however I can with A6… and I can read an audio stream in C… and I can program for the Helios DAC myself… so technically I never needed to wait for the A7 release, oh well.

I dont have VS to modify the oscilloscope source code but I’ve been working on my own viewer/Helios output driver. Once its done I can put a link up if it will help others


I’ve got a basic audio-to-helios converter created, hopefully it will benefit someone while Linux isnt fully supported:


you are on fire … !


Thanks :slight_smile: its about as basic as it can be but I usually make these things for myself anyway. If it can help anyone else, I’ll consider that a bonus


@kritzikratzi - Thanks for writing such an awesome application! I’ve just bought it today, and I think I’m running into an issue.

Version: OsciStudio_0.7.0.4_alpha_osx
OS: macOS Sonoma 14.5 on M1 Max (problem also happens on Intel i9 on the same OS version)

Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uMeXbvtVrSWM--9dKsOduJwESc3VqfJk/view?usp=sharing

When I connect Blender 4.1.1 to OsciStudio there are big pauses when sending requests from Blender to OsciStudio, which make it quite hard to use :frowning:
I’ve tested this on 2 macs using m1/intel and it’s the same. It does it when moving objects or if I animate them, but if I send the animation to OsciStudio and play it with that it’s fine. I’ve tried it with Blender 3.6 as well with the same result.
In this video the updates while editing/animating seem really quick and responsive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tc9imt9PiEQ

Happy to help with testing if needed :slight_smile:


BTW: I’ve written a small update to the Blender addon which allows specifying the IP address so you can run Blender on one computer and OsciStudio on another. Happy to send that if it’d be useful. The issue above happens running on the same computer tho.

EDIT2: I’m now the proud owner of an actual oscilloscope 🥹 And I’ve found the updates are immediate on the oscilloscope but only delayed in the preview in OsciStudio. Hope that helps.