Unable to Save/Save As/Save Next file to mac


OsciStudio Version: A6
Operating System: Mojave 10.14.4

i’ve try as the user manual 5.1 Global Shortcuts for the Keys and without any response. When i try to save files using A5.5 version, it works with problem.


oh no… i’m guessing it’s a gatekeeper issue.

can you try to start oscistudio from the terminal?

you would do it like this:

  1. start the terminal app
  2. type "cd " (without the quotes, but follow by a space)
  3. press enter
  4. type “Contents/MacOS/OsciStudio” (again without the quotes) and press enter

if it doesn’t work, can you copy&paste me the output of oscistudio?


@allankf were you able to solve this?



do you also have this problem? i just tested and it works on my 10.14 (that doesn’t mean too much though :frowning: )



it seems the problem can be solved with this:

Open System settings > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Automation

Find OsciStudio in this list and make sure the box is ticked

See also Unable to Save/Record